
Image of John Forrest

On the 18th February 1957 the first headmaster of Forrest School Mr H. Williams convened a meeting of interested individuals at Telopea Park School to discuss the formation of a parents and citizens branch to represent Forrest School interests.

Some of the earliest meetings of the group discussed and decided on the school colours and uniform. The headmaster Mr Williams announced that the school colours for Forrest were red and gold. Our school was officially opened on 4th April, 1958.

Provisioning for the school commenced in mid April 1957, with agreement to purchase sporting equipment to the value of 10 pounds, a free gestetner, duplicator and typewriter were supplied by the then department of the Interior, a 16mm projector and tape recorder 200 pounds were spent on library books attracting a subsidy of 8 shillings per pound spent (40%). Provisions included three pianos, a table model radiogram and a gramophone for outside activities.

Our school is named after Sir John Forrest (1847-1918) - leader, explorer, politician, visionary, debater, surveyor, administrator, geographer and famous Australian of strong purpose, broad outlook and versatility. He is especially remembered for exploring vast tracts of Western Australia searching for the lost explorer Leichhardt. He was also active in state and federal politics and was premier of Western Australia in the late 1800's.