School Policies

Forrest Primary develops a range of policies which reflect the ACT Department of Education policies and are approved by the School Board. These are periodically reviewed. We are also bound by ACT Department of Education equity policies such as anti-sexual harassment and anti-racism.

Relations, Values and Student Welfare

There is an expectation at Forrest Primary that children will behave responsibly and respectfully.

Our student welfare practices at Forrest support students in the development of appropriate social and problem solving skills while fostering self-discipline and acceptance. We aim to create a caring and supportive environment in which teachers can exercise their right to teach and students their right to learn without interruption.


Forrest Primary School aims to engender a strong sense of community where staff, parents/carers and students can share ideas and knowledge in an inclusive environment that contributes to providing the best possible learning outcomes for our children.


At Forrest Primary we believe parents have the right to information concerning the progress of their children and teachers have the responsibility to provide that information in a meaningful and comprehensive manner. We also believe that parents have the responsibility to provide relevant information to assist teachers to provide for the developmental needs of their children.


Study and research habits developed at primary school stand students in good stead for future studies. Students are not expected to learn new work at home. However, assignments requiring exploration, discovery, observing, recording and process thinking may be set. Homework may include practising tables; Mathletics; spelling or reading; discussing stories, pictures or news; research; or sharing activities with the family.


As educators of young children we take our duty of care very seriously and teachers are particularly vigilant and protective of the children. Our playground policies and procedures are regularly reviewed and at the same time if teachers perceive that there is a safety issue or a danger to the children it is addressed immediately.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all students attending Forrest Primary School are protected from skin damage caused by the harmful ultra-violet rays of the sun. Throughout the year it is compulsory for broad-brimmed hats to be worn outside. Children are encouraged to play in the shade and sunscreen protection is made available.