Traffic Arrangements

Keeping our students safe is always a top priority, and therefore we regularly remind people of the importance of following our drop-off and pick-up traffic arrangements.

Between 8:45am-9:10am and 2:55pm-3:15pm, there is to be no car movement in or out of the parking spaces in the long line directly in front of the school.

Senior and Junior School pick-up areas are designated with yellow line markings on the driveway. Please follow these line markings.

Children will only be able to board a car if it is sitting in the marked areas and will be assisted by either the teacher on duty or the parent helper. We ask that parents/carers do not exit their vehicles as this can slow down the traffic flow and there are repercussions for other motorists.

Children may only board the car once their car is the first two in the line.

Cars waiting need to form a line with minimal gaps to ensure the system runs effectively and traffic does bank up onto State Circle.

If a car enters the pick-up zone and the child isn’t there, the driver will be asked to do a circuit of Hobart Avenue and re-join the line.

Families with both junior and senior students may direct their children to be picked-up at either area.

Children will be supervised, and seating will be provided. Children have been reminded to sit on the seats under the cover and not on the gutters or near the trees.

Teachers and parent volunteers will be on duty to assist with supervision.

We are always looking for more parent volunteers to assist with traffic supervision. If you are able to help, please contact

In following this routine, we are providing a safer environment for those families wishing to drop off and pick up without leaving their cars.